Is My Voice Good Enough for VO?
Is Your Voice Good Enough to Do Voiceovers?
Photo Credit: Prince Abid
"Does my voice sound good enough to do voiceovers?" That's a FAQ I've been getting a lot in my DMs. My answer?
I don't know, but it doesn't matter.
How can I say that? Because much of VO is subjective. (Review what I've said about the myths people believe about VO.
What to Focus on Instead
The quality of your voice can be assessed by a vocal coach or a performance coach (I am neither), but I believe there's a place for almost anyone. What's crucial is that you have the ability to:
Read aloud clearly, without too much stumbling.
Cold read reasonably well (reading something aloud you have never seen before).
Analyze scripts so you understand where, when and why to change tone and inflection.
Adjust your reads based on a client's directions (in an audition or during a recording session).
Your voice can be buttery smooth, but if you can't do these things for a client, they probably won't hire you again.
Being Bi-lingual is a Good Thing
Photo Credit: Daniel Reyes
It's an advantage to speak more than one language fluently— multilingual voice actors are in high demand. And when it comes to accents, authentic is best.
Try to articulate (see what I did there?) the exact accent you have by region. For example, people who speak Spanish fluently could have a number of different accents depending on which country and region they learned the language.
Just Start!
The most important thing is to just get started. Drop the analysis paralysis and go for it:
Start reading things aloud, like magazines, blogs, billboard signs, soup cans, cereal boxes. This will help with your cold reads.
Record voiceovers on TV with your phone, and then practice mimicking the delivery you hear. Play with your voice a bit, and don't be afraid to be creative!
Transcribe a commercial or show intro, and then analyze why the copywriter chose those words— what emotion or response are they trying to invoke from you as a viewer or listener?
Research whom you want to get advice with a mentor or coach.
When you're ready, book a session with that coach, or schedule a consultation with me.