Introducing the #VOLifeChat Twitter Chat!

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I launched the inaugural #VOLifeChat Twitter chat in July 2019 about a week after I conceived it. I was participating in several other business-related chats about marketing and social media, but couldn’t find anything about voiceover (VO). So here we go!

The chat runs on the third Thursday of each month from 8-9 pm EST. We always discuss a topic related to voice actors and that voiceover life, with 6-10 questions during the hour.

Wait, Hold Up. What is a Twitter Chat?

Twitter chats (aka Tweet chats) are public conversations organized around a specific topic on Twitter. These moderated discussions take place at a predetermined time, with a predetermined hashtag— in this case, #VOLifeChat.

To learn how to participate in a Twitter chat, watch this 2-min video from my friend Ivana who runs one of the Twitter chats I mentioned above.

If you’re interested in VO, I’d love for you to join us.